079-0523-8422, Deluxe Factory Engraved Colt M-1849 Pocket. BUY NOW


079-0523-8422, Deluxe Factory Engraved Colt M-1849 Pocket, 4 inch barrel, with script barrel address and frame address. Early style engraving, probably Gustov Young with burl grips. The gun shows engraved screw heads, and shows a DOT next to each serial number, which was done by the factory on early guns. #60xxx matching on the bottom of the gun, cylinder, lever and the wedge shows a number, but not matching. This gun was made in 1853. The gun shows about 70% scene. Burl grips. Only traces of silver remain on the brass.

Est. Retail Value: $4000

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079-0523-8422, Deluxe Factory Engraved Colt M-1849 Pocket, 4 inch barrel, with script barrel address and frame address. Early style engraving, probably Gustov Young with burl grips. The gun shows engraved screw heads, and shows a DOT next to each serial number, which was done by the factory on early guns. #60xxx matching on the bottom of the gun, cylinder, lever and the wedge shows a number, but not matching. This gun was made in 1853. The gun shows about 70% scene. Burl grips. Only traces of silver remain on the brass.

Est. Retail Value: $4000

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